SMSA is the State Motorcycle Safety Association (SMSA), established in 1984, is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides leadership for state administered motorcycle safety programs.
OUR MISSION is to assist motorcycle safety programs, through collaboration and partnerships, to implement comprehensive, data-driven motorcycle safety programs and countermeasures to achieve a significant reduction in motorcycle operator traffic crashes, fatalities and injuries.
OUR VISION is to be recognized as a national leader and resource for motorcycle safety programs.
SMSA Documents and Publications

The SMSA Spotlight is a publication that incorporates articles related to motorcyclist safety. These articles are written by SMSA Members, those interested in motorcyclist safety, or compiled via the web.
To see archived SMSA Spotlights, please join as a member!
If you would like to submit an article, please read the Guidelines for Submitting an Article.
SMSA Documents