Individual Members

SMSA Individual Member Brochure

Each applicant for Individual Member shall be an individual actively involved in supporting the reduction of injuries and fatalities associated with motorcycle crashes and promote responsible motorcycle operation.


Applications for memberships are forwarded to the SMSA Business Office along with dues payment.

Membership Application


The amount of the annual dues for Individual Member shall be $25 for Silver Membership Level and $50 for Gold Level Membership, which may be tax deductible.  This amount may be changed by a vote of the Executive Committee. Dues payments are sent to the Business Office.


Silver and Gold Individual Members receive newsletters, special reports, and discounted registration at annual conferences as long as membership is current. Gold Individual Members can serve on SMSA Committees, have the opportunity to serve on the SMSA Executive Committee, and have Listserv Access.

Individual Members may not represent their personal opinions as those of the SMSA. Likewise, membership in the SMSA does not imply that the SMSA supports the views expressed by members.
Memberships are annual.